November 17, 2015

Here, a birth injury refers to an injury to an infant during birth due to a medical practitioner’s negligence in Washington, D.C. Birth injuries impair mental or physical functioning and can occur during labor, delivery, or after delivery. Birth injuries can range from minor bruising to severe baby brain or spinal cord injuries. Continue reading to learn about factors that can increase an infant’s risk for injury during birth.clipart of brain

Vaginal Delivery

Operative vaginal delivery refers to a delivery in which a doctor uses forceps or a vacuum device to deliver the baby. Because this kind of delivery involves instruments being applied to the baby’s head, the risk of birth injury increases, especially to the brain. Additionally, traction must be used as the mother pushes. When compared with vaginal delivery that requires only maternal pushing, the use of medical instruments during operative delivery can cause serious injuries.

Caesarean Delivery

Cesarean delivery is usually associated with a lower risk of birth injury compared to vaginal deliveries. Because no instruments are directly applied to the baby’s soft head, medical malpractice is less likely. Still, physicians can be negligent in delaying the decision to perform a cesarean section. Injury to the fetal brain due to lack of oxygen caused by this delay is a real concern and can result in injuries that have lifelong effects.

Maternal Obesity

Maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of birth injuries caused by medical negligence. These mothers have increased risk of delivering larger infants. A larger body mass and head size can make delivery both less uncomfortable for the mother and more dangerous for the baby.